Witnessing mobbing: Psychological consequences for men and women. A study in Israel

Ilana Eldan, Maurizio Tirassa, Massimo Zedda, Carlo Chiorri, Daniela Acquadro Maran

Accepted December 9, 2024

First published December 9, 2024



The aim of the study presented here was to analyze mobbing from the witnesses’ point of view: in particular,
to contribute to the understanding of the physical and emotional consequences they may suffer (including malaise with
symptoms of depression and anxiety) and their coping strategies. A comparison was made between men and women
who have witnessed mobbing. A questionnaire was administered in public administrations, private companies and third
sector organizations. The questionnaire was distributed to 262 workers in Eliat (Israel), of whom 78.6% responded to all
questions. Findings showed that: women are more likely than men to report witnessing intrusive behavior that undermines
a person’s reputation; the depressive symptoms were more severe in women than in men; women tended more than men
to use coping strategies such as confide in friends, colleagues, and relatives and to seek support when they were affected
by the phenomenon. This study shows how witnessing mobbing can have psychological consequences that affect the
quality of personal and organizational life. As far as individuals are concerned, this can happen in different ways and to
different extents in women and men.


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Eldan Ilana . Tirassa Maurizio . Zedda Massimo . Chiorri Carlo . Acquadro Maran Daniela . Witnessing mobbing: Psychological consequences for men and women. A study in Israel. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;301(1):18-59. doi:10.26387/bpa.301.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Eldan Ilana . Tirassa Maurizio . Zedda Massimo . Chiorri Carlo . Acquadro Maran Daniela . Witnessing mobbing: Psychological consequences for men and women. A study in Israel. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;301(1):18-59. doi:10.26387/bpa.301.1.