Relationship between perceived workplace envy and job performance in Egypt: Moderating effect of self-esteem

Nayera M. Shousha

Accepted August 30, 2020

First published August 30, 2020


Perceived workplace envy is a prevalent emotion. Moreover, envy may influence in organizational behavior and interpersonal relations. Envy is linked with hostility toward others. However, the focus on perceived envy and its consequences at the workplace is limited in Egypt. This study is the first to investigate perceived workplace envy from the Egyptian perspective. Toward this end, the current study examines the relationships between perceived workplace envy and job performance (includes: task performance, contextual performance and counterproductive work behavior). In addition, the study investigates the moderating effect of self-esteem on these relationships. A convenience sample of 303 Egyptian employees (121 males and 182 females) was selected from private and public sectors in Egypt. They responded to three questionnaires that assessed perceived workplace envy, job performance, and self-esteem. The results demonstrated that a significant negative correlation relationship exists between contextual performance and perceived workplace envy, whereas counterproductive work behavior was positively associated with perceived workplace envy. Additionally, the regression results revealed that self-esteem was found to moderate the relationship between perceived workplace envy and contextual performance only. The findings will contribute to the enhancement of
the understanding on perceived workplace envy and its negative outcomes.

Keywords: Perceived workplace envy, Job performance, Self-esteem, Egypt

Relationship between perceived workplace envy and job performance in Egypt: Moderating effect of self-esteem


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Shousha Nayera M. . Relationship between perceived workplace envy and job performance in Egypt: Moderating effect of self-esteem. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):2-18. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.

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Shousha Nayera M. . Relationship between perceived workplace envy and job performance in Egypt: Moderating effect of self-esteem. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):2-18. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.