Using an online tool to support job crafting behavior among workers with disabilities: An exploratory study

Bart Moens, Charlotte Claes, Wim Peersman

Accepted July 1, 2023

First published July 16, 2023


This study examined the impact of the JOS app, a new tailored web−based job crafting intervention tool
that aims to make job crafting more accessible to workers with disabilities. The JOS app has been developed as a self−
guided online tool that stimulates and facilitates job crafting through micro−interventions (i.e. without intensive contact
with a trainer or coach, but through online communication technology). We expected that the intervention would have a
positive impact on participants’ job crafting behaviors. In addition, we expected a positive influence of the intervention
on their job satisfaction and perceived employability. A pre− and post−intervention study without control group was
conducted. The 5−week intervention includes brief job crafting exercises to reflect upon themselves (e.g. abilities, energy
eaters and givers) and their work, the fit between those two, and to think about possible job crafting strategies to improve
this fit. Using the JOS app has led to more job crafting behavior among participants. Scores on both job satisfaction
and perceived employability remained virtually unchanged. This is consistent with previous suggestions that proactive
behavior might not have any effects at all, or even negative ones, in the near term, but positive effects in the long term.


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Moens Bart . Claes Charlotte . Peersman Wim . Using an online tool to support job crafting behavior among workers with disabilities: An exploratory study. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2023;297(1):56-69. doi:10.26387/bpa.297.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Moens Bart . Claes Charlotte . Peersman Wim . Using an online tool to support job crafting behavior among workers with disabilities: An exploratory study. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2023;297(1):56-69. doi:10.26387/bpa.297.1.