- BPA - Applied Psychology Bulletin I Giunti Psychometrics
BRUNT, D. & HANSSON, L. (2002). A comparison of psychosocial environment of two types of residences for persons with severe mental illness: Small congregate community residences and psychiatric in patient settings. International Journal of SocialPsychiatry, 48, 243-252.
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PICARDI, A., DE GIROLAMO, G. & MOROSINI, P. (2003). Le strutture residenziali psichiatriche in Italia. Risultati preliminare dalla fase 2 del progetto PROGRES. Notiziario dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2, 3-9.
SANTONE, G., DE GIROLAMO, G., FALLOON, I., FIORITTI, A., MICCIOLO, R., PICCARDI, A. & ZANALDA, E. (2005). Th eprocess of care in residential facilities. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40, 540-550.
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