Convergent validity of Workplace Attachment Style Questionnaire and Leader as Security Provider Scale in Slovak sample

Kristína Mrázková, Elena Lisá

Accepted April 30, 2022

First published April 30, 2022


We aimed to examine the convergent validity of the shortened version of the Workplace Attachment Style Questionnaire and the Leader as Security Provider Scale verifying the relationship of these scales with perceived leadership effectiveness and belonging to the organization in Slovak sample. The relationship between Leader as Security Provider Scale and Workplace Attachment Style Questionnaire confirmed a negative correlation between secure base and safe haven and insecure styles and positive correlations with a secure style. The insecure styles and separations distress predicted belonging to the organization. Secure base and safe haven and preoccupied style were predictors of the perceived effectiveness of the leader. The results suggest that although these two methodologies are related to similar variables dealing with leadership or belonging, they are unique. It is necessary to examine both constructs with other variables such as satisfaction, work engagement, or performance.


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Mrázková Kristína . Lisá Elena. Convergent validity of Workplace Attachment Style Questionnaire and Leader as Security Provider Scale in Slovak sample. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2022;293(1):43-57. doi:10.26387/bpa.293.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Mrázková Kristína . Lisá Elena. Convergent validity of Workplace Attachment Style Questionnaire and Leader as Security Provider Scale in Slovak sample. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2022;293(1):43-57. doi:10.26387/bpa.293.1.