Effect of autonomy-supportive parenting and teaching on adolescents’ educational aspirations: Moderating role of grade level

Samina Rashid, Adnan Adil, Seema Gul

Accepted August 30, 2020

First published August 30, 2020



The present study aimed to explore the predictive role of autonomy-supportive parenting and autonomysupportive teaching on adolescents’ educational aspirations. Furthermore, this study aimed to explore the moderating role of grade level on the relationship between autonomy-supportive parenting (ASP) and adolescents’ educational aspirations, and autonomy-supportive teaching (AST) and adolescents’ educational aspirations. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design and purposively recruited adolescents (N = 560) including both boys and girls from various private and government educational institutes of Wah Cantt, Taxila, Islamabad, and Attock cities of Pakistan. The constructs were measured through self-report instruments in the Urdu language. The findings of the study indicated
that AST was positive predictor of adolescents’ educational aspirations. Findings of binary logistic regression suggested that grade level moderated the relationship between the AST and educational aspiration. Our findings suggest that autonomy-supportive teaching is an important precursors of adolescents’ educational aspirations. Adolescents who
experience autonomy-supportive teaching are likely to have higher educational aspirations as their grades progress.

Keywords: Educational aspirations, Autonomy support, Self-determination theory

Effect of autonomy-supportive parenting and teaching on adolescents’ educational aspirations: Moderating role of grade level


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Rashid Samina . Adil Adnan . Gul Seema . Effect of autonomy-supportive parenting and teaching on adolescents’ educational aspirations: Moderating role of grade level. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):19-29. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Rashid Samina . Adil Adnan . Gul Seema . Effect of autonomy-supportive parenting and teaching on adolescents’ educational aspirations: Moderating role of grade level. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):19-29. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.