Evaluation of a gamified intervention for eco-driving: A pilot study

Richard Stephens

Accepted July 11, 2024

First published August 25, 2024



Eco-driving is a style of vehicle driving that reduces energy consumption, while gamification refers to
use of game techniques in non-game contexts to motivate user engagement. A gamified eco-driving intervention based
on a smartphone app was evaluated. In a mixed methods approach, effects of using the app on eco-driving parameter
scores over 3 weeks of driving were compared across four conditions: Control (C1), Education (C2), Gamification (E1),
Gamification + Education (E2). Users were also invited to share their experiences in a focus group. Comparing across the
four conditions, effect were null. However, combining the control and user groups showed a benefit of using the app for
overall score, harsh braking score, speeding score and leaderboard position. User experiences suggest the app scoring
system was perceived as reliable and fair. Suggestions for improvements included redesigning the leaderboard and
balancing intrinsic with extrinsic rewards for longer term engagement. These data suggest a gamified approach using a
smartphone app may effectively encourage eco-driving, with statistically significant benefits of regular reflection on ecodriving
scores. Such an intervention has the advantage of being relatively economical, given that it is based on existing,
widely available smartphone technology. Nevertheless, further research with a larger sample is required to verify that the
effects shown are reliable, and to improve psychological understanding of gamification applied to eco-driving.


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Stephens Richard . Evaluation of a gamified intervention for eco-driving: A pilot study. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;300(1):46-63. doi:10.26387/bpa.300.1.

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Stephens Richard . Evaluation of a gamified intervention for eco-driving: A pilot study. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;300(1):46-63. doi:10.26387/bpa.300.1.