Is a web video effective in increasing intention to use condoms? A test based on the Health Action Process Approach

Andrea Gragnano, Massimo Miglioretti

Accepted August 31, 2017

First published August 31, 2017


The effectiveness of internet video in the promotion of healthy sexual behaviours is still not proved despite the large diffusion of this tool on the web. It is useful to rely on the theories of behaviour change when tailoring and evaluating a health promoting video. The HAPA model is a well-known theory of behaviour change still not tested in the field of promotion of healthy sexual behaviour. This study tested the usefulness of the motivational phase of the HAPA model to the promotion of healthy sexual behaviour and the effectiveness of a video delivered via web in increasing the intention to use condoms. Methods: The data were collected among 352 Italian participants recruited through Facebook. Participants were randomly assigned to the vision of the video or to the control group. Assessments were pre and post the intervention. SEMs were used to test the hypothesis. Results: The HAPA model explains 33% of the variance of Intention to use condoms and fit the data well. Outcome expectancies and self-efficacy are significant predictors of intention and the role of risk perception is discussed. The video increases the intention to use condoms (b = .11 p<.05). The video was more effective among non-intenders than intenders. The moderating effect of the initial level of intention had a p value of .07. Conclusion: Web videos are potentially effective and efficient tools to use in broader campaigns promoting the use of condom. Theories of behaviour change have to be used to design effective and tailored web videos. The HAPA model demonstrated its validity for the behaviour of condom use.


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Gragnano Andrea. Miglioretti Massimo. Is a web video effective in increasing intention to use condoms? A test based on the Health Action Process Approach. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2017;279(1):2-14. doi:10.26387/bpa.279.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Gragnano Andrea. Miglioretti Massimo. Is a web video effective in increasing intention to use condoms? A test based on the Health Action Process Approach. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2017;279(1):2-14. doi:10.26387/bpa.279.1.