Italian version of the RIVEC Prejudice Scale

Paola Villano

Accepted April 30, 2019

First published April 30, 2019


ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. The effects of intergroup contact on intolerance and discrimination have been a classical topic in social
psychology. Research has indeed focused on how the coexistence of different cultures affects intergroup dynamics,
particularly the processes that are related to tolerant versus biased attitudes towards other social groups. Based on the
classic blatant-subtle prejudice scale, the RIVEC Prejudice Scale was recently proposed, which assesses prejudice by
way of five components: threat and rejection (Rejection), loss of intimacy (Intimacy), traditional values (Values), denial of
positive emotions (Emotions), and cultural differences (Culture). In the present research, 409 participants responded to
the Italian version of this scale and to other scales related to prejudice: i.e., modern racism, social dominance orientation
(SDO), ethnocentrism, and zero-sum competition. RIVEC’s internal reliabilities were investigated and a confirmatory
factor analysis was performed. Results show adequate fit of both the total score and the single five dimensions.

Italian version of the RIVEC Prejudice Scale


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Villano Paola . Italian version of the RIVEC Prejudice Scale. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;284(1):10-19. doi:10.26387/bpa.284.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Villano Paola . Italian version of the RIVEC Prejudice Scale. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;284(1):10-19. doi:10.26387/bpa.284.1.