MMPI-2 and post-traumatic stress disorder predictors: A meta-analysis

Giuseppe Agrusti, Paola Tellaroli, Claudia Scalise, Luca Mandolesi

Accepted December 30, 2019

First published December 30, 2019


There are numerous studies available in literature that examine the capacity of MMPI-2 to predict the presence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) but the results of these studies are not always concordant. This metaanalysis has two objectives: to assess whether MMPI-2 scales exist in predicting PTSD and malingering of the disorder, as well as to define a typical profile for PTSD subjects and Faker subjects, who feign or exaggerate the intensity of their symptoms. The methods used are systematic review, pair-wise and network meta-analysis of the articles, following the PRISMA guidelines and the most important electronic databases. This work is the first of its kind to analyse clinical scales and validity scales able to profile response styles typical of subjects with PTSD and Fakers, useful in predicting subjects’ vulnerability to PTSD. The analyses performed confirm that clinical scales 1 (Hs), 2 (D), 6 (Pa), 7 (Pt), 8 (Sc), specific PTSD scales (PK and PS) and validity scales (L, K, F, FB, FP) are able to discriminate subjects with PTSD from the general population.


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Agrusti Giuseppe. Tellaroli Paola. Scalise Claudia. Mandolesi Luca. MMPI-2 and post-traumatic stress disorder predictors: A meta-analysis. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;286(1):31-54. doi:10.26387/bpa.286.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Agrusti Giuseppe. Tellaroli Paola. Scalise Claudia. Mandolesi Luca. MMPI-2 and post-traumatic stress disorder predictors: A meta-analysis. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;286(1):31-54. doi:10.26387/bpa.286.1.