Towards a student-centered education: Validation of the Italian version of the Conceptions of Learning and Teaching questionnaire

Giulia Rampoldi, Laura Montelisciani, Johanna C.G. Jacobs, Selena Russo, Stefano Ardenghi, Marco Bani, Laura Antolini, Fabrizio Consorti, Maria Grazia Strepparava

Accepted July 8, 2024

First published August 25, 2024


Many medical schools have transitioned from traditional teacher-centred education to active studentcentred
education. The Conception of Learning and Teaching (COLT) questionnaire investigates teachers’ conceptions of
learning and teaching in student-centred medical education. This observational and multicentred study aims to validate
the Italian version of the Conceptions of Learning and Teaching (COLT-IT) questionnaire and assess the Italian medical
educators’ learning and teaching conceptions. To develop the COLT-IT, a back-translation was performed. The COLT-IT
and socio-demographic questionnaires were electronically distributed to educators across 13 Italian medical schools.
Analyses included explorative factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and reliability analysis. A total of
394 medical teachers completed the survey. Although the EFA suggested retaining three factors, statistical conditions led
to the exclusion of eleven of the original eighteen items and one factor. The CFA confirmed the bi-dimensional structure of
the COLT-IT. The two-factor scale retained the original naming of subscales: Teacher centredness (TC) and Appreciation
of active learning (AL). Approximately 50% of participants exhibited high levels of AL, while scores in the TC subscale
were more varied. No differences emerged based on gender, age, or the geographical location of the medical school. The
7-item COLT-IT is a reliable, valid, robust, and easy-to-administer tool for promoting and monitoring the implementation
of a student-centred approach in medical education.


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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Rampoldi Giulia . Montelisciani Laura . Jacobs Johanna C.G. . Russo Selena . Ardenghi Stefano . Bani Marco . Antolini Laura . Consorti Fabrizio . Strepparava Maria Grazia . Towards a student-centered education: Validation of the Italian version of the Conceptions of Learning and Teaching questionnaire. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;300(1):64-76. doi:10.26387/bpa.300.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Rampoldi Giulia . Montelisciani Laura . Jacobs Johanna C.G. . Russo Selena . Ardenghi Stefano . Bani Marco . Antolini Laura . Consorti Fabrizio . Strepparava Maria Grazia . Towards a student-centered education: Validation of the Italian version of the Conceptions of Learning and Teaching questionnaire. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;300(1):64-76. doi:10.26387/bpa.300.1.