Validation of the Italian version of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Version

Antonio Aquino, Laura Picconi, Francesca Romana Alparone

Accepted December 31, 2018

First published December 31, 2018


This research aims at providing an Italian validation of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Version (NCS). This instrument measures individual differences in the motivation to enjoy effortful cognitive activities. NCS was administered to 508 students, equally distributed by gender (Mean age = 20.78; SD = 1.75). The Italian version of the scale, translated and adapted from the original version, is composed of 18 items on a 7-point Likert scale. An exploratory factorial analysis (Random split sample = 254) and a confirmatory factorial analysis (Random split sample = 254) proved that the scale had two correlated factors measuring two different kind of motivations (approach and avoidance of effortful cognitive activities). Results also indicated that the NCS had good reliability indices and satisfactory discriminant and convergent validity. Thanks to its good psychometric properties, the NCS has been proven to be a reliable tool in both educational and research areas.

Validation of the Italian version of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Version


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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Aquino Antonio. Picconi Laura. Alparone Francesca Romana. Validation of the Italian version of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Version. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2018;283(1):18-29. doi:10.26387/bpa.283.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Aquino Antonio. Picconi Laura. Alparone Francesca Romana. Validation of the Italian version of the Need for Cognition Scale – Short Version. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2018;283(1):18-29. doi:10.26387/bpa.283.1.