An exploration of the ideological dimension of the psychological contract among social enterprises: A comparison across Colombian and Italian contexts

Juan Pablo Román-Calderón, Christian Vandenberghe, Carlo Odoardi, Adalgisa Battistelli

First published December 29, 2023


This paper reports a cross-country study on the ideological aspects of the psychological contract. The
study was conducted among Colombian (N = 335) and Italian (N = 327) employees working in social enterprises. The aim
of the study was threefold: first, we wanted to establish the relevance of ideological contracts among social enterprises,
which are value-driven organizations; second, the study was aimed at establishing the degree of invariance of a measure
that assesses the ideological obligations of employers and employees; third, a mediated model of organizational and
employee ideological obligations was tested using employee pride as the outcome. Findings provide support for the
study’s hypotheses and objectives. We discuss the implications of our findings for our understanding of the ideological
dimension of psychological contracts among social enterprises.


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Román-Calderón Juan Pablo . Vandenberghe Christian . Odoardi Carlo . Battistelli Adalgisa. An exploration of the ideological dimension of the psychological contract among social enterprises: A comparison across Colombian and Italian contexts. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2023;12.