Construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistani culture

Iqra Safdar, Saba Ghayas, Amina Obaid Khawaja, Syeda Tooba Akhatr

Accepted August 30, 2020

First published August 30, 2020


The present study aimed at construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistan culture. In the first phase of Study I, an initial item pool was developed on the basis of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and semi structured interviews from old people of Pakistan. A pilot study was carried out in phase II. After ensuring the content validity, factorial validity, and internal consistency were determined in phase III on a sample of 506 participants including both older men (n = 317) and women (n = 189) with a minimum age of 60. Factor analysis revealed a three factor solution that accounted for 32.63% cumulative variance with .92 alpha reliability. Factors were named,
familial regrets, religious regrets, and personal growth related regrets respectively. Moreover, In Study II, confirmatory factor analysis validated the three factor structure with excellent model fit indices. Study III revealed a significant positive correlation of the Life Regrets Scale with depression and death anxiety while Life Regrets Scale appeared to be a
significant negative correlate of ego integrity and quality of life. Findings of the Study III provided strong evidence for the construct validity of the Life Regrets Scale.

Keywords: Life regrets, Elderly population, Construct validity, Reliability

Construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistani culture


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Safdar Iqra . Ghayas Saba . Khawaja Amina Obaid . Akhatr Syeda Tooba . Construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistani culture. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):30-43. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.

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Safdar Iqra . Ghayas Saba . Khawaja Amina Obaid . Akhatr Syeda Tooba . Construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistani culture. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;288(1):30-43. doi:10.26387/bpa.288.1.