Impulsive Consumption: Gender, Personality Traits and Emotions

Marco Giovanni Mariano, Chiara Biselli, Salvatore Zappalà

Accepted April 30, 2017

First published April 30, 2017


Introduction: This research investigates the relation between impulsive purchases of clothing, personality traits and emotions of purchasers. It is also investigated if impulsive purchases differ across genders. Aim: The model hypothesizes that: impulsive clothing consumption is affected by extroversion, conscientiousness, negative emotions and positive emotions; moreover, impulsive clothing consumption influences monthly clothing expenditure. Method: Participants were 311 Italian adult consumers; data were collected via a structured questionnaire. Structural equation models were used to test the model. Results: Results showed that, for women, impulsive purchase is a full mediator between emotions (positive/negative) and monthly clothing expenditures. Instead, for men, impulsive purchase is a partial mediator between the same variables. Conclusion: Consumers seem to be more prone to purchasing products impulsively when they experience positive consumption-related emotions and less prone when negative emotions are felt.


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    DOI: 10.1001/jama.2013.281053.

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Mariano Marco Giovanni. Biselli Chiara. Zappalà Salvatore. Impulsive Consumption: Gender, Personality Traits and Emotions. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2017;278(1):3-13.

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Mariano Marco Giovanni. Biselli Chiara. Zappalà Salvatore. Impulsive Consumption: Gender, Personality Traits and Emotions. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2017;278(1):3-13.