Job Satisfaction Scale of Warr, Cook and Wall (1979): The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version

Joana Vieira dos Santos, Cátia Sousa, Gabriela Gonçalves

Accepted July 15, 2022

First published August 30, 2022


The Job Satisfaction Scale of Warr, Cook and Wall (1979) is widely used in studies within the scope of
organizational psychology. However, the factor structure was not sufficiently explored (solutions: one factor, two factors, three factors). The present study aims to analyse the adaptation of this scale to the Portuguese language. The sample of the present study consists of 632 participants. Confirmatory factor analysis supports a hierarchical model of three
factors of job satisfaction, in terms of adequacy coefficients of the model. The results support the use three factor model. Job satisfaction is widely important concept commonly used by investigators in different scientific areas. It’s important to have a very used questionnaire available in Portuguese language, that could be practically used by Portuguese native speakers. A way to empirically have a real notion of job satisfaction levels of the employees is measuring it; having a validated instrument allow its use in Portuguese language.


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Vieira dos Santos Joana . Sousa Cátia . Gonçalves Gabriela . Job Satisfaction Scale of Warr, Cook and Wall (1979): The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2022;294(1):50-58. doi:10.26387/bpa.294.1.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Vieira dos Santos Joana . Sousa Cátia . Gonçalves Gabriela . Job Satisfaction Scale of Warr, Cook and Wall (1979): The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2022;294(1):50-58. doi:10.26387/bpa.294.1.