Urdu translation of Flourishing Scale: Evidence for the validity and measurement invariance across gender

Sadia Niazi, Adnan Adil

Accepted December 30, 2019

First published December 30, 2019



A comprehensive assessment of well-being involves the measurement of both hedonic and eudaimonic perspectives of well-being and the 8-item Flourishing Scale assesses both of these aspects of well-being. Therefore, the current research translated Flr.S into Urdu and validated it for the Pakistani population. Flr.S was translated into the
Urdu language through the standard back-translation procedure. Test-retest reliability (15 days) for the Urdu-English and English-Urdu versions was established in a purposive sample of university undergraduates (N = 60). In a separate random
sample of 574 Pakistani university undergraduates (males = 235 and females = 339), the Urdu version of Flr.S and Urdu version of Core Self-evaluation Scale were administered to establish the factorial and the construct validity of Urdu Flr.S.
The test-retest reliability of two-week for the Urdu-English and English-Urdu versions of Flr.S was >.90. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of Flr.S revealed a single factor solution, which demonstrated evidence for the configural, metric,
and scalar invariance across genders. The latent means of males and females on the Flr.S were comparable: the Flr.S demonstrated construct validity. Our findings suggest that the Urdu version of the Flr.S is a reliable and valid measure of
flourishing for both genders in the Urdu speaking population.
Keywords: Flourishing, Translation, Cross-language validation, Measurement invariance

Urdu translation of Flourishing Scale: Evidence for the validity and measurement invariance across gender


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Niazi Sadia . Adil Adnan . Urdu translation of Flourishing Scale: Evidence for the validity and measurement invariance across gender. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;286(1):17-30. doi:10.26387/bpa.286.1.

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Niazi Sadia . Adil Adnan . Urdu translation of Flourishing Scale: Evidence for the validity and measurement invariance across gender. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2019;286(1):17-30. doi:10.26387/bpa.286.1.