The GAI and CPI in the Italian standardization of the WAIS-IV and their clinical implications

Lina Pezzuti

First published August 31, 2016


The General Ability Index (GAI) and the Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) have been proposed along with
the Full Scale IQ of the WAIS-IV. The GAI is formed by the scores of Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning
subtests, while the CPI is formed by Working Memory and Processing Speed subtests. This work provides tables to
help identify the GAI and CPI for the Italian standardization sample, and also two tables for the calculation of differences
between the FSIQ and the GAI and between the FSIQ and the CPI, with the cumulative percentages of differences for
the total sample and for all seven levels of the GAI and CPI. Furthermore, the table also compares the GAI and CPI. The
use of these indices in many clinical settings will also be discussed as an additional lens to focus on adult abilities using
the WAIS-IV.


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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Pezzuti Lina . The GAI and CPI in the Italian standardization of the WAIS-IV and their clinical implications. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2016;19. doi:10.26387/bpa.bpa.2022.00012.