Measuring energy in team: The Italian validation of Team Boosting Behaviors scale

Flavio Urbini, Elena Sofia De Benedictis, Andrea Caputo, Claudio Giovanni Cortese, Antonino Callea

First published December 20, 2024


Team Boosting Behaviors (TBBs) are defined as energetic and positive actions that aim to enhance mood,
energize colleagues, and foster team unity. Reflecting the concept of ‘the life of the party’, TBBs are assessed using
the Italian version of the TBBs scale, which comprises 18 items measuring three distinct dimensions: Mood-enhancing
behaviors, Energizing behaviors, and Uniting behaviors. This study sought to validate this Italian version of the TBBs
scale using the Job demands-resources model. The sample consisted of 426 Italian employees who completed an online
questionnaire. Most participants worked in the private sectors with a permanent contract. The average organizational tenure
was about of 11 years. Confirmatory factor analysis, via structural equation modelling, supported the three-dimensional
structure of the TBBs scale and demonstrated its empirical distinctiveness from organizational citizenship behaviors
(OCBs), thus confirming its discriminant validity. Correlation analyses revealed that Mood-enhancing, Energizing, and
Uniting behaviors were positively associated with altruism, civic virtue, and conscientiousness. These findings indicate
that the Italian TBBs scale is a reliable and valid tool for evaluating these behaviors in the workplace. While the scale does
not directly influence organizational climate or performance, it provides a useful instrument for monitoring and promoting
positive group dynamics and improving organizational processes.



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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Urbini Flavio . De Benedictis Elena Sofia . Caputo Andrea . Cortese Claudio Giovanni . Callea Antonino . Measuring energy in team: The Italian validation of Team Boosting Behaviors scale. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2024;14. doi:10.26387/bpa.bpa.2024.00018.